How is Page Speed Optimisation done?

How is Page Speed Optimisation done?

Discover the keys to optimizing your website's page speed. Learn how to reduce file size, minimize HTTP requests, and get your site running faster for a better user experience.

Oct 13, 2023

Page speed is all about how fast our site serves the content.

I have already written about How Page Speed Affects Your Business?

Most of the people find a problem with page speed for their website, but they don’t know how to do. So today I will show few points where you can improve and get exciting results in page speed.

I have audit many websites and Today I am going to discuss that I mostly found on the website and are easy to solve, this will bring exciting results to your site.

You will need to conduct speed test audit

To do this you can use some of my favourite free tools like GTMetrix and Page Insights by google.

These two tools give you complete technical problems with the site that has page speed issues.

If you’re not a technical guy, you will need to hire a technical person to solve. But to check whether it is done in the perfect way you can check trough the above tools that I have mentioned.

Some of the basic things that you can do for page speed optimisation

The website is made of different components and each component has its own purpose. Basically, we need to optimise all these component files to improve performances.

Two things that will help to improve speed are

Reduce file size, which will directly reduce your page size.
Reduce the number of requests.
Let’s discuss how to achieve it.

#1 Reduce file size, which will directly reduce your page size

Minifying files

Minifying files means minimising file size.

The question is how?

Simply by removing extra space and next line character. Obviously removing extra space and next line character can’t be done manually. There are free online tools available to minify files.

Here is the list the of the component that you can minify.

  • Minify JavaScript
  • Minify CSS
  • Minify HTML

Optimize Images

Optimising image doesn’t only mean reducing the image size. Along with this you also need to optimise your image dimension with actual dimension on your web page.

Eg. Your image dimension is 1200 X 600 but the container on the web page is of 600 X 300. In this case, your actual image dimension should be 600 X 300.

Enable GZIP
GZIP means sending content to the client browser in compressed form so that size is reduced. The content sent in GZIP format will be uncompressed by the browser itself.

GZIP doesn’t require much coding, just your server should be GZIP unable and you will need 1-2 line code in the configuration file and it’s done.

#2 Reduce the number of requests

Solve leverage caching problem These include few lines of code, it’s very simple.

Try to reduce HTTP request.

This task is bit strategic, as reducing HTTP request is not so easy, as you have all the components that are loaded are necessary.

Few tips that can help

Try to remove unnecessary things like animation, sliders etc as all these things require extra js and css files.

  • Try to remove unnecessary images.
  • Use CSS sprite to load images.
  • Try combine small css files in one.
